a coin ico review

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The “Terms and Conditions” as well as the “Privacy Policy” in their current version as published on
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achievements of the Aureus Nummus to be materially different from future results, performances
or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Such statements and information are
based on numerous assumptions regarding present and future business strategies and the
environment in which the Aureus Nummus will operate in the future, including the price of gold and
anticipated costs. Certain important factors that could cause actual results, performances or
achievements to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, amongst
others, gold price volatility, discrepancies between actual and estimated production, mineral
reserves and resources and metallurgical recoveries, mining operational and development risks
relating to the parties which manage the Aureus Nummus, regulatory restrictions, activities by
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the global economic climate, dilution, stock market volatility and competition. Forward-looking
statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that
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statements, including but not limited to: the impact of general business and economic conditions,
the absence of control over resource operations from which the Aureus Nummus management
will purchase gold and other commodities and risks related to those operations, including risks
related to international operations, government and environmental regulation, actual results of
current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations and changes in project
parameters as plans continue to be refined, risks in the marketability of minerals, fluctuations in the
price of gold, fluctuation in foreign exchange rates and interest rates, stock market volatility, as
well as many other potential risk factors that are unknown at this time. Although the Aureus
Nummus management has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results
to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors
that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that
such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ
materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue
reliance on forward-looking statements. Images in this document, the company presentation may
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undertake to update any forward looking statements that are contained or incorporated by
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the Aureus Nummus. This Presentation may contain unintentional errors or typos, which the
Aureus Nummus management will undertake to correct as soon as it has been made aware. The
Aureus Nummus management does not accept any responsibility for unintentional errors or typos.
The Aureus Nummus management may change the Terms and Conditions anytime in order to
respond to change market circumstances and needs. The only entity authorized to distribute the
A coin is Simplexx Ltd.

Problems and Challenges
Unbanked More than 32% of the world population is unbanked, with no other means to receive remuneration and to make payments than by hand-tohand transfer.
Expensive & Slow Today’s traditional payment system is expensive, slow and full of breaches of security and trust.
Restrictive Banks With ever increasing KYC requirements, banks impose ever tighter restrictions on keeping or getting a bank account. Since 2008 banks terminate existing customers or refuse bank accounts in exponentially increasing numbers. 
Trust Problem The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve. We have to trust banks with our privacy, trust them not to let identity thieves drain our accounts, and we have to trust them that we in fact get our money back when we need it.

The Aureus Nummus does not grant
any interest or share in any
company or corporate asset,
The Aureus Nummus may be
bought back by us at a discount.
The Aureus Nummus is not a
security as defined by applicable
SEC rules.
The AN’s minimum value is NOT dependent on
the success of any business plan or company.
The ANG does NOT grant any interest or share in
any company

A coin ICO Bounty Allocation:
Signature Campaign: 10%
Blog and Article Campaign: 15%
YouTube Campaign: 15%
Twitter Campaign: 10%
Facebook Campaign: 5%
LinkedIn Campaign: 10%
Telegram: 10%
Reserve for Airdrop: 25%


Authors: Loksyun

My Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1886140;sa=summary

My ETH: 0xd0d8c8e966efC43d681a33f2536fD44AfDf8c827


What is Hitmex?
HITMEX is a world-class blockchain asset exchange with a very powerful order matching engine. It is a next-generation crypto asset trading platform aimed at supporting high leverage and supporting asset exchange of up to $ 1,000,000 per transaction.

The Hitmex Exchange target has overcome all the deficiencies of integrated and distributed crypto exchanges. We understand the underlying problem and the target will understand the rest later.

This is a very good opportunity if you are a trader. After you have created a number of transactions, you can use this exchange. Instead of being slow, you can save time in this situation.

Hitmex Exchange aims to overcome all the weaknesses of centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges. We aim to solve the main problems and solve the rest of the future. Hitmex Exchange introduces its own token to Hitmex Exchange under the name BMEX. In exchange, we also carry out BMEX IEO (initial exchange offer).

Storage of funds
HITMEX securely stores 90% of its funds in a cold storage wallet off the exchange.
HITMEX creates an insurance fund. 10% of total revenue is stored securely in a cold storage wallet and is used as an insurance fund to protect a single user from losing money in the event of a hack or unexpected event.

Why Choose BMEX Token
Affiliate programs can help you make more money. Anonymous transfers make the system secure. 24x7 operation of the system is always available. Investing in digital currencies is easy. Reverse transactions give a little idea. The main characteristic is the nature of digital currency deflation.

Unparalleled speed of decentralization and currency transfer. Hitmex Exchange aims to revolutionize the way people trade currency. We want to help people control their investment. Our main goal is to provide people with more than the other options available. Some important advantages are: Pag e 6

Reference program
-Launch board
-Limit order
-Market order
-Stop-Limit order

Some important advantages are:
● Affiliate programs can help increase revenue.
● Transferring anonymity will make your system secure.
● Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
● Investing in digital currency is easy.
● Think a bit about transactions that have not changed.
● The deflation characteristic of digital currency is an important function.
● The value of decentralization and inappropriate currency transfers.

BMEX token information
Name: HITMEX token
Symbol: BMEX
Decimal number: 18
Total supply: 1B BMEX
Maximum supply: BMB 1B
Circulating supply: 750M BMEX

1. It's time to overcome the big problem of centralized exchange.  Hackernoon.com.  November 28, 2018:   https  :   //hackernoon.com/itstime-to-address-the-massive-problems-of-centralized-exchangesac2cfb66bef8
2. Cryptocurrency exchange.  Techopedia.com:    https://www.techopedia.com/definition/33372/cryptocurrencyexchange
3. The advantages of digital currency trading.  IG.com.  www.ig.com/en/cryptocurrency-trading/benefits-of-cryptocurrencytrading

Website: https  :   //hitmex.io/
Telegram: http  :   //t.me/HitMexExchange

Authors: Loksyun

My Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1886140;sa=summary

My ETH: 0xd0d8c8e966efC43d681a33f2536fD44AfDf8c827


About AoSPooling: Art of Science REALKOYN: Real Assets - Real Profits
Sadly, the great majority of crypto offerings don't make it to an exchange
This reality is not good for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that real partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and performing in a world class manner. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency but because of the ill prepared and bad apples in the space; those people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Because of the uncertainty, you need AoS. We help navigate the cryptosphere so that you don't have to be stressed out or confused. You are partnering with experts with a track record of producing. Integrity is at the foundation of our organization. We take meaningful steps to ensure you are comfortable with your investment. At the end of the day, what do we really bring to the table? Well - we get it done.

Why Go With Us?
We are not trying to figure all of it out. Much of it has already been figured. Experience is a valuable commodity when dealing with people's hard earned money. Our goal is to use all of our combined experiences to grow your assets.

Much of our team has operated under licenses in which governmental scrutiny is an unavoidable reality. This gives us an edge on competitors who haven't operated in such environments. You don't want to pay for them to figure it out.

You will know precisely the status of your koyn. You will have access to everything you need to know and more to ensure you are always in the know. We believe in the marriage of new school tech and old school values.

Scarcity Gives Value
Our Investments are based on scarce tangibles so there will always be value. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are prime targets; real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.

Blockchain is the Future of the Internet
The Internet of Things is converging toward block chain technology. Many cite blockchain as the biggest thing since the internet. Smart investors are looking to the future and positioning themselves for the next iteration.

Timing is Everything
The most important thing is not what you invest in but when you invest in it. Blockchain technologies including cryptocurrency is maturing and when the space completely settles, the returns will act accordingly. With most major tech companies and many non-tech companies investing tremendous resources in blockchain, the opportunity will wean.

We have the Answer
Most cryptocurrencies are backed by good will only. Our opportunities are backed by stores of value. By using the oldest assets on the planet (the planet itself, ie. land, minerals, etc.) and game changing tech, we are creating something never seen before.

Real Koyn (RKYN) is AoS current offering, win with us.
Real Estate is as "real" as it gets. By aggregating properties your tokens earn value. With so many tokens that never make it to trade, work with a group that has already established relationships to ensure your tokens trade. Our goal is to grow your money.

Multi tranches are better for early contributors
● 20%: Reserves
● 60%: Real Estate Assets
● 5%: Airdrop
● 2%: Contributors and Advisors
● 10%: Founders
● 3%: Bounty and Marketing

With a mix of property types we can find the very best deal
● 10%: Industrial
● 10%: Land
● 35%: Multi-Family
● 25%: Residential
● 20%: Commercial

Most funds are associated with acquiring projects
● 5%: Marketing
● 85%: Real Estate Identification, Securing, Development, Sales
● 10%: Administration, Operations, Legal

First Round – 20% Bonus
● Start Date: Feb 14
● End Date: Feb 21
● Token price: $0.10

Second Round – 15% Bonus
● Start Date: Feb 22
● End Date: Feb 29
● Token price: $0.15

Third Round – 10% Bonus
● Start Date: Mar 1
● End Date: Mar 7
● Token price: $0.20

Final Round – 5% Bonus
● Start Date: Mar 8
● End Date: Mar 15
● Token price: $0

● APR 2018
Organization Development
Create the offering, including Legal and Whitepaper
● JUL 2018
Core Team Recruitment
Identify core team members, outreach and placement.
● SEP 2018
Core Team Development
Organize the team for a successful raise and project planning and development thereafter.
● JAN 2019
Social Media Network Beta Development
Began to develop concept and architecture of our answer to the Social Media gap.
● MAR 2019
Community Development
Outreach to the Crypto world to include all major crypto media and channels.
● JUL 2019
Social Media Network Beta Development B
Continue to next phase of development for our Holisitic Social Network.
● NOV 2019
Team Development and Preparation
Properly recruit and place new members and prepare for launch.
● JAN 2020
Media Launch, PR and Community Engagement
PR launch and a blitz through social media channels.
● JAN 2020
Raise Funds through Pre-Sale bonuses and discounts – motivating investors.
● FEB 2020
Continue to raise funds through 4 Stage ICO.
● MAR 2020
Continue to raise funds through IEO with carefully selected partner.
● APR 2020
Exchange Listing
After review of exchange options, we will execute a contract and list on several exchanges.
● JUN 2020
Project Commencement
Our team will research, identify, analyze and secure projects that meet our criteria.
● JUL 2020
Social Network Site Complete
Members will enjoy the benefits of a holisitic online community.

Frederik Lund
Rubab Arshad
Sean Brizendine
Hamza Khan
Daryl Naidoo
JC Wren
Nick Gray
Kenneth Jones

● TELEGRAM GROUP: https://t.me/aospooling
● TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://t.me/AoSpool

Authors: Loksyun

My Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1886140;sa=summary

My ETH: 0xd0d8c8e966efC43d681a33f2536fD44AfDf8c827